The role of business training practices in the experience economy: an analysis from the perspective of sociology of emotions
The article focuses on consideration of business training practices in the context of the experience economy using basic theories of sociology of emotions (J. Barbalet, A. Hochshild and M. Maffesoli). 2 ideal types of training were constructed and analyzed: training show and specific skills training. Both types appeared as a result of the spread of the experience economy and both types stimulate its development. Training show is important as an event that gives unique emotions and impressions, charge of confidence and affects shared in modern tribes. Specific skills training is designed to increase competitiveness in the experience economy: it is necessary to master emotional labor, learn to play roles, create unique impressions and experiences for the clients in different ways.
Key words: business skills training, experience economy, emotion work, emotional labor, neotribalism, edutainment, social fact, business education, sociology of emotions.