Ontogenesis of emotional regulation in normotypic development and dysontogenetic disorders (example of autism spectrum disorders)


  • Елена Алексеевна Дорошева Novosibirsk State University


The analytical review is devoted to the study of factors affecting the formation of the system of emotions regulation in ontogenetic development. A comparison of the formation of an emotion regulation systemfor normotypic and deviating development (on the example of autism spectrum disorders) was made. The interaction of the main innate factors (level of sensory processing sensitivity and effortful control) with factors of the communicative environment (type of attachment to parents, verbalization of emotions and a model of mind) in the development of adaptive emotional regulation and dysregulation is shown.

Keywords: emotional regulation, emotional dysregulation, normotypic development, autism spectrum disorders, sensory processing sensitivity, effortful control, attachment, emotion verbalization, model of mind

* The research was supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR), the scientific project no. 18-013-00925

DOI 10.25205/2658-4506-2020-13-1-105-127






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